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Distracted Driving Detection and Prevention

If you manage company vehicles, you’ve likely dealt with minor fender benders during a routine delivery, unexplained dents, and scratches on company vehicles, or worse, a serious accident with no clear explanation of what went wrong. 

You’re left with damaged vehicles, increasing repair costs, vehicle downtime, and more questions than answers.

Whether it’s a delivery van, service truck, or any other company vehicle, drivers are often more prone to distractions because the vehicle isn’t their personal property. The mentality of “It’s not my car” can lead to careless driving behavior.

Maybe they were using their phones, smoking, eating, or simply not paying enough attention. The truth is, it’s not uncommon to find company vehicles returned with damage that drivers can’t, or simply won’t explain. 

According to a study by the NHTSA, 80% of all accidents involve some form of driver inattention just before the incident. But how can you manage what you can’t see?

Without clear evidence, it’s almost impossible to determine the cause of these incidents, and it will be impossible to absolve your drivers or company without proof. 

This is where our connected dashcams come into play, offering a solution that brings clarity, accountability, and peace of mind.

The Cause: What is Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving is any activity that diverts attention from driving, including calls, texting, scrolling, eating, drinking, talking to people in your vehicle, and much more. Anything that takes your eyes off the road, your hands off the wheel, or your mind off driving is a distraction.

According to the NHTSA,  phone use is involved in 12% of all car accidents on U.S. roadways. Unfortunately, finding studies related to phone usage while driving in the Caribbean is almost impossible.

But I can promise you, that you will see at least 10 people using their phones while driving every single day. The truth is, your employees will most likely lie about the real cause of an incident if, at the time of the accident, they were distracted. 

The Consequences of Distracted Driving

A report by the NETS found that motor vehicle crashes cost employers $72.2 billion in 2019. These costs stem from medical care, legal expenses, property damage, and loss of productivity. Not only that, but constantly dealing with vehicle incidents will cause your insurance premiums to skyrocket, which ultimately, puts your company's budget at risk.

There’s also the cost of reputational damage. For businesses that rely on their fleet for service delivery or goods transportation, a distracted driving accident can lead to delayed shipments, unhappy customers, and a tarnished brand image.

Beyond the financial burden of distracted driving, the human cost is immeasurable. In 2020, the most recent year for which data is available, these collisions accounted for 8% of deadly accidents. Lives were lost, families shattered, and communities impacted, all because of distractions that can be prevented. 

The Solution for Companies: Connected Dashcams

The good news is that technology is stepping in to provide effective solutions. Connected dashcams offer a proactive way to combat distracted driving.

These devices are more than just cameras, they are sophisticated systems that monitor driving behavior in real-time, providing actionable insights to managers and drivers. 

How Connected Dashcams Work:

Connected dashcams leverage the power of cloud technology, AI, and the Internet of Things (IoT). These cameras are installed in vehicles and are linked to a centralized system that can be accessed by managers from anywhere, anytime.

  • Cloud Integration: Footage and data are automatically uploaded to the cloud, ensuring that it’s easily accessible and securely stored. This allows for seamless analysis and reporting.
  • GPS and Telematics: These cameras often come integrated with GPS and telematics systems, providing a complete picture of driver behavior, including speed, location, and driving conditions.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: our connected dashcams provide live footage and data. This includes tracking if a driver is using their phone, not paying attention to the road, or engaging in other distracting activities.
  • AI-Powered Alerts: Advanced dash cams are equipped with artificial intelligence that can detect signs of distracted driving. For example, if a driver looks away from the road for too long, the system can issue an immediate alert, prompting the driver to refocus, preventing incidents before they happen.
  • Driver Coaching: The data collected by dash cams can be used to provide personalized feedback to drivers. By identifying risky behaviors, companies can offer targeted training to help drivers improve their habits and reduce the likelihood of future incidents.
Example of behaviors monitored by our Connected Dashcams.

Video Proof:

In the unfortunate event of an accident, connected dashcams provide crucial evidence that can help determine the cause of the incident. This can be invaluable in legal situations, helping to protect the company from false claims.

In this video, you’ll witness the real-life experience of our valued customer, Forensys Curaçao. Specializing in incident registration services, one of their employees was on-site reporting an incident when a distracted driver collided with their vehicle.

Thanks to this clear video evidence, the managers at Forensys Curaçao could immediately understand what occurred and use the footage to support their insurance claims.

Additionally, the system’s safety features, such as seat belt alerts, help ensure their drivers stay safe on the road.

Now, imagine having to deal with this incident without the right technology. No video proof of what happened, just your employee’s word against a citizen’s, and perhaps your employee not even wearing a seat belt. Being in that state causes unnecessary stress that you or your team shouldn’t have to face.

For companies with vehicles on the road, connected dash cams offer a powerful tool to enhance safety, reduce costs, and protect both their drivers and their business. 

With this technology, companies not only safeguard their assets but also contribute to making the roads safer for everyone.

Want to see how it works in real time? 

Let’s book a free demo, when you can and without any commitments.

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