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Everything You Need to Know About GPS Trackers for Companies

How about we skip the long intro and get straight to the point?

Here you’ll find the most important things you need to know about GPS trackers for company vehicles. 

What is GPS tracking?

GPS tracking is a technology that uses the Global Positioning System (GPS) to determine and track the precise location of a vehicle, person, or asset in real-time or periodically. It involves a GPS device collecting location data and then transmitting it to a software application, where it can be monitored and analyzed for various purposes such as navigation, fleet management, asset tracking, and personal safety.

Why is it important?

If you're dealing with the frustration of not knowing where your vehicles are, facing issues with employees logging excessive overtime, or frequently receiving complaints about your drivers' conduct, GPS trackers emerge as the solution you need. These challenges, along with the headaches of product theft, irresponsible behavior, vehicle abuse, and unauthorized use of vehicles, are significant hurdles for any company reliant on a mobile fleet. Implementing GPS tracking technology addresses these problems head-on, offering a strategic way to regain control, enhance accountability, and safeguard your assets effectively.

What you’ll need:

To get started, assess your needs. How many vehicles or assets do you need to track? What's your budget? What are the problems you’re trying to solve? Do you need real-time tracking, or are historical reports sufficient? Once you've got a clear picture of your requirements, you're ready to explore your options.

Your Options:

OBD Trackers:

The OBD (On-Board Diagnostics) tracker, which plugs directly into the OBD-II port of your vehicle, collects a wide range of data from the vehicle's onboard computer—such as location, speed, engine status, and fuel usage. It then transmits this information over cellular or satellite networks to the provider's server. Users can view this data in real-time or access historical records through a web-based dashboard or a mobile app. OBD trackers are limited to vehicles equipped with OBD II ports. Their convenient plug-and-play design, while easy to use, also makes them susceptible to being easily removed or tampered with. This is because they are typically inserted into accessible ports under the dashboard, making them visible and accessible to anyone familiar with the vehicle's interior, thus posing a security risk.

Portable Trackers: 

Portable trackers are versatile devices that can be placed in any vehicle or asset without the need for installation. They operate on battery power and can transmit location, speed, and sometimes even temperature data back to a server via cellular networks. Users can track this information in real-time through a web interface or mobile app, making it ideal for temporary tracking needs or assets without a permanent power source. However, their reliance on battery life means they require regular charging, and their portable nature could make them more susceptible to being misplaced, damaged, or mysteriously vanished.

Hardwired Trackers: 

Hardwired trackers are permanently installed into a vehicle's electrical system, providing continuous tracking without the need for battery changes. These devices can offer detailed data on location, speed, engine diagnostics, and more, which is transmitted to a server and accessible via a dashboard or app. The installation process makes them less likely to be tampered with or removed, ensuring reliable data collection. However, for this type of GPS tracker, you’ll need professional installation, which can add to the initial costs.

Asset Trackers: 

Asset trackers are designed for monitoring non-vehicle assets such as equipment, containers, or valuable goods. They can be battery-operated or solar-powered and are built to withstand harsh conditions, making them ideal for outdoor or remote asset tracking. Like other trackers, they send data to a server, allowing users to monitor location and movement through an application. The robust nature of asset trackers means they can provide long-term tracking solutions, but their specialized design can come with a higher price tag compared to standard vehicle trackers


Dashcams with GPS capabilities offer visual and locational data, recording footage of the road while tracking the vehicle's journey. This dual functionality can be invaluable in the event of accidents or disputes, providing concrete evidence alongside location histories. The data, including video and GPS logs, is stored on the device or in cloud storage and can often be accessed via a mobile app or extracted directly from the device. While dashcams offer the added benefit of visual insight, they require careful management of storage and data privacy considerations.

Choosing the right provider:

At the heart of maximizing the benefits of GPS tracking lies the critical choice of your system provider. Selecting the right platform is pivotal to addressing and eliminating the operational challenges you're facing. The ideal system should not only resolve current issues but also enhance your management capabilities. Key factors to consider in your decision include:

  • Ease of Use: Opt for software that's intuitive and user-friendly, boasting a clean interface to simplify your daily operations.
  • Real-Time Tracking: It's vital to have access to immediate location data for effective decision-making and rapid response.
  • Alerts & Notifications: Stay informed with instant updates on speed, geofence breaches, and other important alerts that help maintain control and safety.
  • Reports: Access to detailed reports provides the insights needed to optimize operations, streamline efficiency, and cut costs.
  • Integration: Ensure the software integrates seamlessly with your existing systems for a cohesive and efficient workflow.
  • Support: Partner with a software provider known for exceptional customer service, quick response times, and a commitment to prioritizing your needs.

Making the right choice sets the foundation for a more controlled, efficient, and secure operation, driving your company toward greater success.

The Process of Purchasing:

It's simpler than you think, if is not, then you’re doing business with the wrong provider. 

  1. Research: Find a provider that matches your needs.
  2. Demos: Schedule demos to see the trackers and interface in action.
  3. Meetings: Discuss your needs, ask questions, and get personalized advice.
  4. Installation: Whether DIY or professionally installed, get your trackers up and running. A good provider will arrange this step for you. 
  5. Onboarding: Learn the ins and outs of your new system, often with the help of your provider. 

Tip: Ensure that key stakeholders in your company are involved early in the process. Their buy-in can speed up decision-making and budget approval, making the implementation smoother and faster.

Operational Transformation

With the right tools, your work life transforms. Imagine less time spent worrying about where your vehicles are and more time focusing on growing your business. You'll see:

  • Reduced Costs: Less idling, optimized routes, and lower fuel consumption.
  • Improved Efficiency: Quicker response times and better customer service.
  • Enhanced Security: Have control over your assets at all times.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Real insights to drive your business forward.
  • Safe Drivers: Monitor driving behavior to improve on-the-road safety, fostering a culture of responsibility and accountability. 

How Brydens did it:

Take Brydens, for example. They leveraged Axxon's technology to streamline their operations, resulting in significant efficiency gains. By integrating GPS tracking, they managed to optimize routes, improve delivery times, and enhance overall operational transparency. It's a real-world testament to how the right technology can propel a business forward. Check out their story here for some serious inspiration.

Wrapping Up

GPS trackers are more than just nice to have. They're tools you must have to significantly impact your bottom line and operational efficiency. By choosing the right mix of hardware and software, and understanding the process and potential results, you're setting yourself up for success. And remember, every great journey begins with a single step—or in this case, a single tracker.